Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pete's Story. If you haven't read the first part, read that first.

The man's head whipped around. Jane struggled to see what Pete was doing. She could just see his face, his eyes wide with fear.

"And just what are you going to do about it, retard?" He pushed Jane's shoulders into the floor as he stood up. Jane saw Pete's eyes widen further as he began to shiver violently.

"I'm going to beat your idiot face in." The man growled as he started toward Pete. The man was half way through his last stride, pulling back his hand, and balling it into a fist when Pete yelled.

"NO!" Pete shouted as he tucked his face into his knees and hugged them tighter to his body, and the man was upon him. The sickening sound of fists on flesh was horrible. Jane watched in awe as the man delivered several vicious blows to Pete's head and shoulders.

Suddenly Pete's assailant was violently flung across the room as if he weighed nothing. The intruder smashed through the wall and stopped when he shattered the mirror over the bathroom sink. He slumped to the ground in a pile, clearly unconscious.

Jane sat up shaking and slowly tried to regain control of herself, adrenaline still pumping in her veins. The stranger lay face down on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. She spent a moment sitting on the floor trying to comprehend what had happened. Pete hadn't touched the man, rather than lash out he had tried to curl into a ball and hide in himself. But somehow the man had been flung across the room like the toy of an angry child.


  1. Whoa...telepathy and telekinesis...this is getting good. Great story so far...waiting for more!

  2. Minor edit to the last couple paragraphs, but it sets up the next section. Sorry it's been so long.
